Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting On Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru : Write an article on Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was first Prime minister of India
इस पोस्ट में मैंने Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting को बताया हैं जो कि Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru : Write an article on Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was first Prime minister of India पर article लिखने के लिए आ जाता हैं|
Write an article on Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was first Prime minister of India.
Write an article on My Hero In History. (2018CB)
Write an article on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Write an article on The lessons from the lives of great men.
Write an article on The National Leader whom you like most.
Write an article on A person you respect most in your life.
Write an article on Your favourite hero of Indian history.

Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting On Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru –
- My hero – Jawaharlal Nehru is my hero. He is my favourite national leader. I admire him most for the qualities of head and heart. We call him affectionately ‘Chacha Nehru’.
- His affection towards the children – The first thing that I love in him is his affection towards children. He loved children most. He was a very busy man but he always found time to mix with children. He played and made fun with them. It made children very free and friendly with him. In them, he saw the future of India.
- Sense of sacrifice for the freedom and honour of India – The other thing which impressed me was his sense of sacrifice for the freedom and honour of India. Born in 1889 with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was used to a luxurious life from his childhood. He got the best possible education in India and England. If he wished, he could have continued to lead a princely life as his father, Motilal Nehru, who was a very big Vakil was very rich. But when the call for freedom came, he gladly renounced his comfortable living and worked shoulder to shoulder with his countrymen for the freedom. He faced gladly all the hardships which a freedom-fighter has to face. When freedom came and he became the Prime Minister, he never boasted at his great sacrifice.
- Love for India – He loved India and its people very much. It was his desire to see India develop into a great and posperous nation in the shortest possible time. He knew that it could be achieved only through hard work and labour. He devoted all his energies and time towards that end. He believed in hard labour. He himself did it and exhorted others to be up and doing. He was so devoted to this work, that he worked till the last breath of life. In fact, he died in harness in the service of his country.
- Man of the masses – The common man always attracted him. As a Prime Minister, he was obviously very busy, but he never lost his contact with the masses. In fact, he drew his inspiration from the people and people, from him.
- Conclusion – He will go down in history as the hope and anchor of young India, as the idol of intellectual India, as a great patriot, as a democrat and as a statesman. His plea for international peace is the Sermon on the Mount of a new Messiah.