Up Board Class 12th English Central Idea My Mother at Sixty-Six – Class 12th English Poetry – Central Idea of the poem “My Mother at Sixty-Six”
इस पोस्ट में मैंने Up Board Class 12th English Central Idea – My Mother at Sixty-Six के बारे में बताएं हैं, यह Class 12 English Central Idea Up Board 2023 – My Mother at Sixty-Six में पूछा जाएगा यदि आप इस Class 12 English Central Idea – My Mother at Sixty-Six को तैयार कर लेते हैं तो आप Class 12 English Central Idea Up board में 4 अंक जरुर पायेंगे | यह Up Board Class 12 English Poetry Chapter 1 Central Idea हैं इसे आप जरुर याद कर ले |
Up Board Class 12th English Central Idea – My Mother at Sixty-Six
Central Idea of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ written by Sir Kamala Das
We know that aging is a natural process but still the fear of being separated from our loved ones and loved ones is very painful. This poem talks about the feeling of loneliness that older people experience and the sense of guilt they have experienced for their children for not being with their parents in their old age. The poem here also explores the feelings of sadness and pain that a mother experiences when she leaves one of her daughters. His mother was in an old age in her own right.