Up Board Class 12 English Practice Set-1 | कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी प्रैक्टिस सेट-1 यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा (हल सहित)
Short type questions
Question 1. Why did the General not order immediate arrest of Dr Sadao, who had sheltered a white man? जनरल ने एक श्वेत व्यक्ति को शरण देने वाले डॉ. सदाऊ की तत्काल गिरफ्तारी का आदेश क्यों नहीं दिया?
Answer. The General was being treated by Dr Sadao. He knew that Sadao was one of the best surgeons available and he could not. afford to lose him. If Dr Sadao was arrested, there would be no one as skilled as him to operate upon the General in case of emergency. So, he did not order immediate arrest of Dr. Sadao.
Question 2. Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name?
टाइगर किंग कौन है? उसे यह नाम क्यों दिया गया?
Or How did the Tiger King acquire his name?
अथवा टाइगर किंग ने यह नाम कैसे प्राप्त किया?
Answer. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was often referred to as the Tiger King. He got this name because, when he was born, a prophecy was made that his death would come from a tiger. He killed ninety-nine tigers. Ironically, his death occurred due to a wooden toy tiger.
Question 3. How did Charley reach the third level of the Grand Central Station?
चार्ली ग्रैण्ड सेण्ट्रल स्टेशन के तीसरे तल तक कैसे पहुँचा?
Answer. One evening Charley reached the Grand Central and walked down the second level to catch an early train to his home. He strangely happened to notice a doorway down and followed the steps that led him to the third level of the Grand Central Station.
Question 1. Briefly describe Charley’s strange experience in the third level? चार्ली के तीसरे तल के विचित्र अनुभव का संक्षेप में वर्णन करें।
Answer. Charley was an ordinary man, employed in New York. One day while travelling from Vanderbilt Avenue at Grand Central Station, he reached at the third level. It was totally unbelievable experience for him. He saw old fashioned dressing, costumes and accessories used by people like eighteen-ninety something. People used string-watches, long black sleeve protectors and big sized currencies. The trains ran on steam and coaches were smaller. He noticed that newspapers bore the date of 1894 and the lead story about the hundred year old America’s President Cleveland. He wanted to buy two tickets for his wife and himself but couldn’t buy it because he didn’t have the old currency. Charley wanted to visit there but he could never find the third level again.
I looked again at her, wan, pale as a late winter’s moon and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, but all I said was see you soon, Amma, all I did was smile and smile and smile.
Question 1. Who is ‘her”?
‘वह’ कौन है?
Answer. ‘Her’ refers to the mother.
Question 2. What was the poetess’s childhood fear?
कवयित्री के बचपन का भय क्या था?
Answer. The childhood fear was that of losing her mother.
Question 3. What were the poetess’s parting words? कवयित्री के विदाई के समय के शब्द क्या थे?
Answer. The poetess’s parting words were, “See you soon, Amma”, suggesting hope to herself and her mother that they will meet again.
Quesrtin 4. does the repeated use of the word, mean?
शब्द ‘मुस्कान’ के बार-बार किए गए उपयोग का क्या तात्पर्य है? Answer. Repeated use of the word ‘smile’ depicts a long and cheerful (but pretended) smile. The poetess smiled for a long time to make her mother happy.
1. My love is like a red, red rose – Simile
2. She hangs like a star in the dew of our song – Simile
3. Look like the innocent flower – Simile
4. Life is a tale told by an idiot – Metaphor
5. Life is but a walking shadow – Metaphor
6. Hope is the poor man’s bread – Metaphor
7. This sea that bares her bosom to the moon – Personification
8. Truth sits upon the lips of dying men – Personification
9. Life! I know not what thou art – Apostrophe
10. And out of joy, his heart jumped miles high – Hyperbole
11. Ten thousand saw I at a glance – Hyperbole
12. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand – Hyperbole
13. And having nothing, he hath all – Oxymoron
14. And beauty born of murmuring sound, shall pass into her face – Onomatopoeia
15. The snakes are hissing and the bees are buzzing – Onomatopoeia