Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting on Science and Human Happiness – Write article on Science is boon of our human society with the invention of science every work have become very easy
इस पोस्ट में मैंने Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting को बताया हैं जो कि Science and Human Happiness पर article लिखने के लिए आ जाता हैं|

Write article on Is Science A Blessing.
Write article on A Curse!
Write article on Science has made man its slave.
Write article on Miracles of Sciences.
Write article on Wonders of Science.
Write article on Science has made Man Lazy and Dull.
Write article on Science A Boon or Bane.
Write article on Science and Human Happiness.
Write article on Science: Its uses and Abuses.
Up Board Class 12th English Articles Writting on Science and Human Happiness
- Introduction – It is difficult to blame science for all the ills of the world. Similarly, it is childish to lavish praises on science like a slave of all the blessings it has given us. In itself, science is only a systematized body of knowledge which man has earned with his own endeavour. It is neither good nor bad by itself. It is a gift of knowledge possessed by man. Ultimately, it is the man, who is more important than his gift. It all depends on how he uses the gift of science, whether he uses science in the interest of human happiness and prosperity or whether he uses it to destroy humanity.
- Important blessings of science – So, numerous are the blessings of science that it would be difficult to enumerate them. That science has made human life comfortable and prosperous will be readily and admitted by all. Time and space have been conquerred and nature has been completely subjugated. Diseases have been controlled and the economic standard of man has been vastly increased. He has the finest means of recreation at home, while books, magazines and periodicals provide him with ample food for thought.
- Curses of science – While, this is the gay side of life, its ugly side cannot be lost sight of. Science has made us grossly materialistic in our outlook. We have become selfish and greedy and are thinking in terms of our own advancement at the cost of others. Society has been divided between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ and a grim class conflict is taring us in the face. Science has placed terrible weapons of mass destruction in the hands of man, so that, he can destroy the whole world within minutes. The world is divided into powerful military blocks, intent on large scale mass massacre of humanity and complete extinction of human civilization.
- Misuse of science – While all this is true, the question is who is really responsible for all this calamity-science or man. Really, it is the man who is to be blamed for all his misfortunes. He has been consistantly misusing science for his own selfish ends. The aeroplane, for example, as the swiftest means of communication, is certainly a big blessing of science, but man, in his madness, has been using it for dropping deadly bombs and devastating large populated cities. The atom bomb will destroy the world but the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes can turn this world into heaven. So, it is not science, but its use or misuse which is a significant point. Science is neither a blessing nor a curse. Itis for its user-the man-to decide whether he wants to use science as a blessing or misuse it as a curse.
- Conclusion – Ultimately, man is the master of science and not science the master of man. Science is meant for man and not man for science. Science is the servant of man and man should use science wisely and discretely. Give us good men and science can transform this world into a paradise. Give us bad men and science can destroy the world within minutes. So, essentially, it is the man who masters and not Science. Let us hope, we shall have the right type of men to rule the world and guide its destiny.