class 12th supplementary important question PDF | 12th supplementary important question PDF | 12th English supplementary PDF
Short type question-
1. Why was Dr Sadao not sent to the battlefield? डॉ. सदाऊ को युद्ध के मैदान में क्यों नहीं भेजा गया?
Answer- Dr Sadao had not been sent abroad with the troops because the General was being treated by him, and he could trust no other Japanese surgeon. Secondly, Dr Sadao was about to make an important discovery that would leave wounds entirely clean.
2. How did the writer indicate that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man?
लेखिक ने कैसे संकेत दिया कि डॉ. सदाऊ के पिता एक बहुत ही पारम्परिक व्यक्ति थे?
Answer- The writer has very clearly indicated that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man. Sadao didn’t marry Hana until he knew she was Japanese because his father wouldn’t have approved of her otherwise. The old man never let any foreign object even enter his room.
3. What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry to him?
मिस्टर लैब के किन गुणों ने डैरी को आकर्षित किया?
answer- Mr Lamb doesn’t let his physical disability destroy the happiness in his life. He is not afraid of Derry’s face, unlike others. The quality that attracted Derry most to Mr Lamb was his tremendous patience as he listened to him. He talked to him about things which mattered; things nobody else had ever said to him.
4. What work did Sam set for in Galesburg? Why? गैलेसबर्ग में सैम ने क्या काम किया? और क्यों?
What would Sam have done in Galesburg for his living? Why?सैम ने अपने जीवनयापन के लिए गैलेसबर्ग में क्या किया? और क्यों?
Answer- Sam set him self up in a hay, feed and grain business because he could not continue his old profession in Galesburg as at that time everyone was happy and contented so no one needed a psychiatrist.
Long type answer
1. How did Dr Sadao resolve the conflict in his mind between his loyalty to his country and his duty as a doctor?
डॉ. सदाऊ ने अपने देश के प्रति निष्ठा और एक डॉक्टर के रूप में अपने कर्त्तव्य के बीच अपने मन में चल रहे संघर्ष का समाधान कैसे किया?
answer- After Sadao brought the wounded American soldier home, his mind was form by the conflict between his sense of patriotism and loyalty to his country, and his loyalty to his profession as a doctor, he was faced with a server dilemma as to whether he should real the white man, or not. With the war going on, a American was his enemy, and it was his duty to hand him over to the authorltlers.
But the man was badly wounded and required immediate medical attention. Sadao had been trained not to let a man die if he could help him. It was his moral and ethical duty as a doctor to ireant an ill or wounded person, irrespective of his nationally. Finally, his duty as a doctor compelled him to help the enemy, this resolving the conflict, Sadao valued human life above everything else, and his wife Hana also supported his decision.
2. Draw character sketch of Mr. Lamb? मिस्टर लैंब का चरित्र चित्रण करें?
Answer- Mr. Lamb is an old man. He lost his leg in a war. He now has a tin leg. Children call him Lamey-Lamb. Even then he is positive and optimistic to life. He is all alone. He has a garden with a house. He keeps the doors of his garden open which symbolises his open mindedness. He makes jam and jellies for the children and the visitors. His positive approach, affection and affection and motivation transform the life of the defiant boy Derry who was full of negativity to life because of scar marks of acid on his face. Susan Hill in this play has successfully depicted how the sense of alientation is more painful or inconvenient that the physical impairment for the old or the young. Thus Mr. Lamb is good human being
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