Up Board Class 12 English Chapter 3 Deep Water Short and Long Answer Type Question – Up Board Class 12th Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 3 Deep Water Book Solution

Up Board Class 12 English Chapter 3 Deep Water Short and Long Answer Type Question – Up Board Class 12th Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 3 Deep Water Book Solution

In this post I have given class 12th English Flamingo ‘Deep Water’ question answer solution for class 12th UP Board English book. UP Board Class 12 English Chapter 2 Solution of Deep Water Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions Are Solved Here Based on New Pattern NCERT Syllabus, rajiv prakashan english book class 12 solutions chapter 3, rajiv prakashan english book class 12 The Last Lesson Solution, UPMSP Class 12 English Deep Water.

Up Board Class 12 English Chapter 3 Deep Water Short and Long Answer Type Question - Up Board Class 12th Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 3 Deep Water Book Solution

UP Board Class 12 English Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 3 Solution ; Deep Water Short Answer Type Questions 

Answer the following questions in not more than 30-40 words each :
Question 1. Where was the pool and what opportunity did it offer? पुल कहाँ था  और क्या उसने अवसर प्रदान किया?

Answer. The set was at the Y M.CA in Yakima (river) and it was offering the opportunity to lear swimming Douglas wanted to join but his mother continually warned him about the treacherousness of the river.

Question 2. What terror did Douglas have in his heart? How? (डगलस के हृदय में क्या भय था? कैसे?

Answer. In his heart, Douglas had a terror for water. When he was about three or four years old, at California beach, he was with his father and the waves knocked him down and swept over him. Being a little child, he became fearful from the overpowering force of water, and terrorized.

Question 3. What did the big bruiser of a boy do at the pool? why? एक लड़के के बड़े भाई ने ताल पर क्या किया? क्यों?

Answer. A bruiser of a boy picked Douglas up and tossed him into the deep end. He was probably eighteen years old boy with a beautiful physical specimen who threw the narrator into the pool just for fun.

Question 4. How deep was the pool ? What was there inside the water? ताल कितना गहरा था ? वहाँ पानी के अन्दर क्या था ?

Answer. The pool was nine feet deep. There was nothing inside the water except the yellow tinge Everywhere there was water and only water,

Question 5. What happened to the legs of Douglas inside the pool? How did he try to overcome that situation? ताल के अन्दर डगलस की टाँगों को क्या हुआ था? उसने उस स्थिति से निकलने के लिए कैसे प्रयास किया?

Answer. Inside the pool, the legs of the narrator didn’t move. His legs were paralysed and hung like dead weight. For recovering from this situation, he looked for ropes, ladders, water wings. but nothing he caught, only water.

Question 6. What terror seized Douglas ? What was its effect on him? किस भय ने डगलस को जकड़ लिया था? उसका उस पर क्या प्रभाव था ?

Answer. The terror of water seized Douglas. Once at California beach and other at the pool, both the incidents terrorized Douglas with the extreme level. He was affected deeply from it, as he scared from water for a long time but later due to his will-power, he won his fear of water.

Question 7. What did Douglas do inside the water to save his life? डगलस ने पानी के अन्दर अपना जीवन बचाने के लिए क्या किया?

Answer. Inside the water, Douglas made the strategy to hit the water, make a big jump, come to the surface lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool but everytime, his strategy failed. He did this all continuously to save his life.

Question 8. How did all efforts cease? What happened then? (सभी प्रयास कैसे रुक गए? फिर क्या हुआ ?)

Answer. All efforts ceased when Douglas tried all his ways to save his life. His all strategies failed everytime. And then his legs felt limp; and a blackness swept over his brain. That wiped out fear and terror and then there was no panic.

Question 9. What was Douglas’s condition after getting escaped from the pool? ताल में से बचने के बाद डगलस की क्या हालत थी?

Answer. After getting escaped from the pool, after several hours, Douglas walked home, he was weak and trembling, he shook and cried when he laid on his bed, he couldn’t eat that night and for days a haunting fear remained in his heart. And after that day, he never went back to the pool.

Question 10. What did Douglas come to know after few years later? What did he want then? कुछ वर्षों के पश्चात्, डगलस को क्या जानकारी प्राप्त हुई? वह फिर क्या चाहता था ?

Answer. A few years later Douglas came to know about the waters of the Cascades and he wanted to get into them. But whenever he did-wading the Tieton or Bumping River or bathing in Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks, the old terror returned and took possession of him completely.

UP Board Class 12 English Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 3 Solution ; Deep Water Long Answer Type Questions 

Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each :
Question 1. “I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell.” What was the incident which nearly killed Douglas and developed in him a strong aversion to water? “मेरी स्मृति चली गई और जीवन का पर्दा गिर गया।” वह कौन-सी घटना थी, जिसने लगभग डगलस को मार ही डाला और उसे पानी के लिए एक मजबूत विरोधाभास में विकसित किया।

Answer. The incident that nearly killed Douglas occurred at the YMCA pool when he was ten or eleven years old. He had decided to learn swimming at the YMCA pool, and thus get rid of his fear of water. One morning, when he was alone at the pool, a big bully boy tossed him into the deep end of the pool. Though he had planned a strategy to save himself, his plan did not work.

He went down to the bottom and got panicky. Thrice he struggled hard to come to the surface but failed each time. He was almost drowned in the pool. This misadventure developed in him a strong aversion to water.

Question 2. What happened at the YMCA swimming pool which instilled fear of water in Douglas’ mind? वाई. एम. सी. ए. पूल में क्या हुआ, जिसने डगलस के दिमाग में पानी का डर बैठा दिया?

Answer. When Douglas was learning swimming at the YMCA pool at the age of ten or eleven, one day while sitting beside the pool waiting for other people to come, a bully boy picked him up and threw him into the deep end of the pool.

As Douglas realised that he may drown, he made three attempts to come up to the water surface, but failed and fell unconscious. Ultimately he was rescued by someone, but this episode in his life reinforced the fear of water in Douglas’ mind which he had first felt when, at the age of three or four, he had been completely swamped by a huge wave at the seaside in California. His father held on to him at that time to save him from drowning, but at the YMCA pool there was nobody.

Question 3. Desire, determination and diligence lead to success. Explain the value of these qualities in the light of Douglas’ experience in Deep Water’. आकांक्षा, दृढ संकल्प और परिश्रम से सफलता प्राप्त होती है। ‘डीप वॉटर’ में डगलस के अनुभव के आलोक में इन गुणों का मूल्य स्पष्ट कीजिए।

Answer. Douglas first two experiences with water built up a fear of being drowned in him. The first occurred at the age of three or four years, when a sea wave washed him ashore. The next experience which occurred at the age of ten or eleven was. When he was thrown into the deep end of the YMCA pool and did not know swimming.

The terror of water followed Douglas wherever he went. To get rid of it, he made a strong resolution. He decided to overcome his fear through his own will. He engaged an instructor who perfected him in swimming gradually. The instructor gave him hundreds of exercises and taught him how to exhale and inhale in water.

The practice went on for three months and Douglas was able to counter his terror. Then after more exercises, the instructor ordered him to dive. He swam across lakes also to gain confidence. He had now completely lost his fear of water. His desire, determination and diligence had succeeded in banishing his fear of water.

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