Up Board Class 12 English Chapter 2 Lost Spring Short and Long Answer – Up Board Class 12th Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 2 Lost Spring Book Solution
In this post I have given class 12th English Flamingo ‘Lost Spring’ question answer solution for class 12th UP Board English book. UP Board Class 12 English Chapter 2 Solution of Lost Spring Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions Are Solved Here Based on New Pattern NCERT Syllabus, rajiv prakashan english book class 12 solutions chapter 2, rajiv prakashan english book class 12 The Last Lesson Solution, UPMSP Class 12 English Lost Spring.
UP Board Class 12 English Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 2 Solution ; Lost Spring Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:
Question 1. Why did ‘Anees Jung’ ask Saheb about the school ? What was its impact on Saheb? ‘अनीष जंग’ ने साहेब से स्कूल के बारे में क्यों पूछा? इसका साहेब पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ?
Answer. ‘Anees Jung’ asked Saheb about the school because she wanted to know about the intention of Saheb regarding studies. At the author’s offer Saheb immediately got ready to join the school, though the author offered him non-seriously.
Question 2. Why did Saheb and other ragpickers not wear chappals ? What excuse did they give for it? साहेब और दूसरे कूड़ा बीनने वाले चप्पल क्यों नहीं पहनते थे? इसके लिए उन्होंने क्या कारण दिया ?
Answer. Saheb and other ragpickers did not wear chappals because its their tradition to wander barefoot and they didn’t like to wear also. They excused that their mother didn’t give them from the shelf.
Question 3. How many ragpickers used to live in Seemapuri, Delhi ? How did they settle there? सीमापुरी, दिल्ली में कितने कूड़ा बीनने वाले रहा करते थे? वे वहाँ कैसे स्थापित हुए?
Answer. In Seemapuri, Delhi, more than 10,000 ragpickers used to live. They have lived there for more than thirty years as they are the squatters who came from Bangladesh in 1971.
Question 4. What was the meaning of garbage for children? What did they find in it?बच्चों के लिए कूड़े का क्या मतलब था ? उसमें उन्हें क्या मिलता था?
Answer. For children, garbage was wrapped in wonder. In it, they sometimes found rupee, even a ten rupee note and therefore they didn’t stop scrounging in hope of finding more.
Question 5. Why did Saheb join the job at milk booth ? What was he paid for his service ? साहेब ने दूध के बूथ (दुकान) पर नौकरी क्यों की? उसकी सेवा के लिए उसे क्या दिया गया था ?
Answer. Saheb joined the milk booth / tea stall because of poverty. There he was paid ₹800 rupees and all his meals but he had to work harder and boundedly there because he was no longer his own master.
Question 6. Who was Mukesh ? Where did he belong and what was his ambition ?मुकेश कौन था? वह कहाँ से सम्बन्ध रखता था और उसका क्या लक्ष्य था ?
Answer. Mukesh was a young boy belonging to the bangle-making family from Firozabad. His ambition was different from his family as he wanted to become a motor mechanic.
Question 7. Why did Mukesh volunteer to take the narrator home? Who were there in the home? मुकेश ने कहानीकार को घर ले जाने के लिए क्यों नेतृत्व किया? वहाँ पर घर में कौन थे ?
Answer. Mukesh volunteered to take the narrator to his home because his house was being rebuilt and he wanted to show it to her. In the home, there were many members as Mukesh’s elder brother, his (brother’s) wife, Mukesh’s father, grandmother and few animals.
Question 8. “It is his Karam, his destiny.” Who said this and why? “यह उसका कर्म है, उसका भाग्य।” यह किसने और क्यों कहा?
Answer. “It is his Karama, his destiny.” Mukesh’s grandmother said this because she has watched her own husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles. She said that a God given lineage can never be broken.
Question 9. What does the bangles symbolize? What is the role of bangle makers of Firozabad? चूड़ियाँ किसका प्रतीक हैं? फिरोजाबाद के चूड़ियाँ बनाने वालों की क्या भूमिका है?
Answer. The bangles symbolize an Indian woman’s ‘Suhaag’. The bangle makers of Firozabad produce the largest quantity of bangles in the country and export bangles to all over the world.
UP Board Class 12 English Flamingo(Prose) Chapter 2 Solution ; Lost Spring Long Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each :
Question 1. Who was Saheb? What was the plight that compelled him to wander in the streets of Delhi for ragpicking?
साहेब कौन था? वह क्या स्थिति थी जो उसको दिल्ली की गलियों में कूड़ा-करकट बीनने के लिए भटकने को बाध्य करती थी ?
Answer. Saheb who belonged to the family of ragpickers was a young boy wandering in the streets of Delhi with his friends. They were the squatters from Dhaka, Bangladesh where the storm has destroyed their green fields and homes. They were so poor that they could not go to school. Their parents were depend on ragpicking only for their livelihood and unable to bear any other expense except foodings. In total their poverty was the plight that compel Saheb and others like him to wander in the streets of Delhi for rag picking.
Question 2. Children like Saheb often go for private jobs in very small age. Is this their final destiny? How can such situation be overcome? साहेब जैसे बच्चे अक्सर काफी कम उम्र में निजी नौकरियाँ करने लगते हैं। क्या यही उनका अंतिम हश्र है? इस प्रकार की स्थिति से कैसे उबरा जा सकता है?
Answer. Children like Saheb often start to do the jobs in very small age and the only reason behind it is their poverty. Their parents have to earn money for survival first, then they could think for any other expense. Sometimes, they find no value of education in their life and remains uneducated. Mostly, this becomes their final destiny because when they engage themselves in such jobs once, then it seems very hard and impossible to run out of those.
So, till their age, they got trapped in such jobs and deprived of real education. Such situation can only be overcome by the combined efforts of parents and government both. Every section of the society will have to work commonly and dedicately to fight with this evil of our society.
Question 3. Who was Mukesh? What did he want to do in his life and what did he not want to follow? मुकेश कौन था? वह अपने जीवन में क्या करना चाहता था और किस चीज का यह अनुसरण नहीं करना चाहता था?
Answer. Mukesh was a member of the family from Firozabad, engaged in bangle making. His whole family since last many generations, was involved in only bangle making. So, no person of such bangle making families could think of any other work naturally. As because of family trade, he himself too had to do the same work but Mukesh never wanted to follow that tradition. Actually, he wanted to be a motor mechanic for which he had to take a great pain : going against his family tradition and members, without support taking the training, going very far from his house for learning etc. When the author asked him about his good, he straight-forwardly replied for motor mechanic.
Question 4. What did the narrator notice in the locality where Mukesh lived? What was the condition of bangle makers? जहाँ पर मुकेश रहता था उस इलाके में कहानीकार ने क्या अवलोकन किया? चूड़ी बनाने वालों की वहीं क्या हालत थी ?
Answer. Where Mukesh lived, there the narrator noticed a lot of things as children illegally working in the glass furnaces with high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and light. stinking choked lanes with garbage; past homes that remain hovels with crumbling walls, wobbly doors; humans and animals living together; Mukesh’s house with a half-built shack and many other miserable things.
There, the narrator noticed that the condition of bangle makers was very pitiable. They were very poor. Even after having the lunch, there was no surety of dinner. The labour of bangle makers was very hard whereas their income was too low that they were unable to send their children to the school. They were continuously fighting with poverty.